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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hoodia Gordonii - "The Miracle Weight Loss Formula"

Hoodia Gordonii is one of the best herb for helping weight loss. It is the most effective and natural herb that helps to control appetite and provide energy that's why it is known as "Miracle Weight Loss Formula". Hoodia gordonii is traditionally used in South Africa for its appetite suppressant properties.

History of Hoodia Gordonii:

Thousands of years, it is using to decrease appetite and increase energy. The natural South African herb "Hoodia gordonii" is a plant with a long history but only recently has it come to the attention of western countries due to the discovery of it's miraculous weightloss properties.

Hoodia is a succulent plant that grows in the Kalahari Desert. Bushmen of Southern Africa have used Hoodia for thousands of years to fight off hunger. P-57 is the molecule in Hoodia responsible for reducing appetite, and was clinically tested to reduce caloric intake by over 1,000 calories. To get best appetite suppressant effect by Hoodia Gordonii, it must be grown in the Kalahari Desert.

Hoodia side effects:

Regarding Hoodia side effects, there has not been any reports in the medical literature.

Hoodia Research:

The Scientist had discovered in the mid 60's when the first research was done on Hoodia as an appetite suppressant. it took another 30 years for South African laboratories to isolate the specific appetite suppressing ingredient in Hoodia. This ingredient was called P57.

Hoodia Benefits:

For More Related Topics Blog: Menopause And Weight Loss

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