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Monday, September 30, 2013

Exciting New Exercises For Weight Loss

Here are some new exercises for weight loss that I BET you never really knew about. I hope by the time you're done reading this article, these exercises will open your eyes to new and exciting ways to workout. You won't need to ever suffer through a boring workout again.

New Exercises

1. Jump Splits for your legs

These are a good at-home exercise for your legs... as well as weight loss. It's easy to do. Stand like you normally do. Ok, then what I want you to do is to jump your legs out to the sides so that they end up being about 3 feet apart. Got that so far? Ok, next, jump them back in to normal standing position.

Simple huh? Ok, now to make this effective for weight loss...

I want you to do these as fast as you can for 1 minute without stopping to rest. After you complete that, rest for 45 seconds before completing another minute of them. Do 3-4 sets of these 5 days a week. Listen... these take about 5 minutes of your time. THAT'S NOTHING. Just humor me and do them for 2 weeks and I'm positive you'll love the results they give you.

2. Spinning around in a circle

This is a non-calorie-burning exercise. Say what? Yeah, that's not how this exercise helps you to lose weight. It helps at a deeper root level... your hormonal level. You see, a lot of people who are obese have screwed up and whacky hormones. I won't get into the reasons on how that happened since they're far too numerous, but a neat little way to restore balance with your hormones is with spinning in a circle.

Do this will your arms out and spin until you're slightly dizzy. To be safe, do a few practice sets of 5 spins and see how dizzy you are after them.

Did I not tell you those were new exercises? I lived up to my end of the bargain, now you need to try these out for a few weeks and live up to your end... you'll be glad you did.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy Fast Ways To Lose Weight

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